For a description of OAI-PMH see here.

We issue a "ListRecords" request in marcxml format and obtain a "file" with a list of records. For our purposes, one of these records has a structure similar to the following:

code meaning example value
<marc:controlfield tag="001">617</marc:controlfield> identifier 617
<marc:datafield tag="773" ind1=" " ind2=" "> wrapper for the following fields
<marc:subfield code="p">Phys.Rev.Lett.</marc:subfield> journal name Phys.Rev.Lett.
<marc:subfield code="y">1973</marc:subfield> journal year 1973
<marc:subfield code="v">31</marc:subfield> journal volume 31
</marc:datafield> wrapper end

For a more detailed description of the structure, please see here.

From these fields, we know that a paper (identifier) has been published by "journal" in "year". The "volume" is also important because, for historical reasons, certain journals have a part of their name contained in the "volume" field (e.g. "Phys.Rev.D").

The code that we use to query the OAI interface, to download the XML data and to parse it can be provided upon request.

Last modified: Wed Jul 15 11:00:00 CEST 2020 | Sissa Medialab srl Via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 Trieste - Italy
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